While not having full range of motion can be painful and annoying, at worst it can become a chronic impairment to your ability to function in daily life. Our neuromusculoskeletal system is essential to every aspect of our daily life. When a part of that system is not functioning optimally, we may experience anything from tension and discomfort to poor balance or severely limiting pain and inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments restore correct motion to the joints and stimulate improved function of the nervous system. This helps to reduce pain and inflammation, and to promote healing and optimal function. With their expertise in the neuromusculoskeletal system, chiropractors are able to assess and develop a personalized treatment plan to help get you moving again.

If you suffer from joint pain that is restricting your range of motion and interfering with your daily activities, there is help available. Chiropractic care can help to reduce your joint pain and improve your mobility by incorporating a variety of techniques into a treatment program, including manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises.

Human movement is dependent on the range of motion of the joints of the body. Range of motion can be limited by either the joints themselves or by the muscles, nerves and connective tissue that surround the joints. There are a variety of conditions that can lead to you feeling stiff and restricted, including muscular tightness, osteoarthritis, or even nerve entrapment. Reduced range of motion impairs the ability of the body to function properly, which can result in joint pain and an inability to do the things you want or need to do in your day.

Chiropractic care aims to reduce joint pain by restoring joint motion and improving muscle function. After a thorough assessment, your chiropractor will determine what is causing your joint stiffness and discomfort and will develop a treatment plan to help you regain and maintain as much of your available joint range as possible. Treatments with your chiropractor may include:

  • Manual therapy – joint mobilization may be used to relieve joint restriction, and soft tissue mobilization may be used to relieve muscle tension
  • Active Release Therapy (ART) – a manual therapy designed to assess for scarring and adhesions in soft tissues and to release these areas of compromise
  • Stretching – a treatment program may include a combination of different stretching exercises, including:
    • Active stretches: patients move their limbs without assistance
    • Active-assistive stretches: the therapist assists the patient in moving their limbs because there is too much discomfort or the muscles are too weak
    • Passive stretches: the therapist moves the limb for the patient
  • Low Level Laser Therapy – to reduce inflammation, and encourage tissue repair

If you suffer from osteoarthritis your chiropractor may make additional recommendations to help reduce your joint pain and improve joint mobility. Additional recommended therapies may include: massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga or tai chi, aerobic exercise, and hydrotherapy.

If joint pain and reduced range of motion are preventing you from feeling supple and staying active, you could benefit greatly from chiropractic care. Undergoing a comprehensive evaluation by a chiropractor is one of the best ways to gain an understanding of how you can enhance your physical state.  Our chiropractors will assess what your barriers to motion are, and will create a program that is specific to your needs to help to reduce joint pain and restore optimal mobility.

If you are suffering from pain or limited range of motion email us at info@evolvevancouver.ca to book an appointment with one of our chiropractors.