Pain can seriously affect your everyday life, no matter what the cause is. The best cold laser therapy devices provide relief, lessen the impact of your pain and aid in recovery. It’s important to always consult with a doctor about any new symptoms or conditions; at Evolve our chiropractors provide a thorough assessment of your health, taking note of any new injuries or pain before creating a customized treatment plan. In some cases this treatment plan may involve the use of Low Level Laser Therapy (also known as cold laser).

Studies show that medical-grade cold laser therapy devices can be a great addition to a pain treatment plan when used correctly and consistently. They can help reduce pain and speed recovery.

What is cold laser therapy?

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, is a form of treatment that involves applying light-emitting diodes (otherwise known as low-light lasers) to the surface of the skin. According to Steven Shoshany, D.C., a chiropractic specialist in New York City, cold laser therapy successfully treats the pain associated with conditions like carpal tunnel and arthritis, in addition to promoting healing of wounds, soft tissue strains, and muscle sprains. 

“Cold laser therapy affects injuries and pains—both chronic and acute—at a cellular level,” Shoshany explains. “This type of treatment works exceptionally well for inflammation and pain across a wide variety of ailments, whether it be from things like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and tendinitis or vasculitic neuropathy and chronic neck pain.” Since it’s been proven to help mitigate pain and accelerate healing, many medical professionals recommend using cold laser as a complement to your existing pain management strategy.

Here at Evolve Wellness Centre in Vancouver, BC, we use a Summus P4 laser, a state-of-the-art Class IV therapeutic laser. This device is designed with a different set of laser classes (1, 2, 3R, 3B, and 4) and wavelengths from 650 to 950 nanometers (nm) and requires only a few minutes of use per session. Safety is a primary concern of all our practitioners, so we follow all appropriate safety guidelines, including providing protective eye-wear to prevent direct eye exposure, which could cause damage.

Does cold laser therapy work?

The use of cold laser therapy is growing in traditional medicine as a form of complementary or alternative therapy for both acute and chronic pain. Each session is just minutes long, but many patients see a difference in pain with repeated use. 

According to Shoshany, patients can expect to see fast results during in-office treatments, due to the high wavelengths of the pro-grade machinery (like our Summus P4 laser).

What side effects can you expect from cold laser therapy?

Cold laser therapy is a drug-free, noninvasive alternative treatment for pain. According to a study performed by the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), cold laser therapy treats a wide variety of conditions, pain syndromes, and injuries in need of healing without many side effects. “The bottom line is that cold laser therapy is a safe and effective treatment option with little to no side effects,” Shoshany confirms. Just be sure to wear protective glasses in order to prevent direct eye exposure, which can cause permanent damage to retinas. Stop use if your skin is burned or irritated.

How does cold laser therapy work?

Cold laser therapy stimulates the body to heal itself with the help of non-thermal diodes of light that are administered for several minutes. According to Shoshany, the diodes stimulate the injured cells and create extra energy that helps accelerate the healing process. “The extra ATP, or energy, is absorbed by cells, tissues, and organs to promote faster healing, as well as decrease pain and inflammation,” he explains.

Cold laser therapy is a convenient way to treat pain, either chronic (like arthritis and TMJ) or acute (like sprains, strains, and other injuries). While they’re not a one-and-done solution, they can be an effective option for people who want to speed their recovery processes along. Depending on the laser strength, some of these devices are able to alleviate pain in a few sessions—as long as you they are used correctly and consistently.

Your chiropractor will work with you to create a treatment plan that matches your recovery goals. To learn more about cold laser therapy and other forms of light therapy email us at to book a consultation with one of our experienced chiropractors. Evolve’s Chiropractors can advise you on treatment options for your recovery.

Please note that the advice in this article doesn’t replace personalized medical advice from a professional.