Have you ever been faced with a situation that could have been easily preventable if you just asked for help? Ever went a lot of minutes walking the wrong direction, because you refused to ask someone around if they knew where the location you were going was?

Asking for help can be hard sometimes, and it’s no surprise, because it can make us feel vulnerable, as though we were expressing some kind of weakness to others. However, there are so many ways that asking for help will benefit both you and the person whom you are asking for help from.

If you find a hard time asking others for assistance, then this article is for you. Here, a few tips that will make asking for a hand easier:

1. Provide a Reason With Your Request

Providing a reason with your request can increase the likelihood of others saying yes to you. Think about it in the context of your own life. If you’re standing in a long line at the airport and someone walked up and said, “Can I jump to the front?” what would your initial response be? Hey, we all gotta stand in line, friend! But if someone ran up to the line and said, “Can I jump to the front? I’m about to miss my flight to go see my grandpa’s 90th birthday!” you’re much more likely to let them pass. Reasons matter!

2. Give, Give, Give—Then Ask

If you really feel uncomfortable asking for help, it might make you feel better to give more often. The more you give without an expectation, the easier it is for you to ask for help without feeling like you’re popping up out of nowhere, begging for a favor and burdening someone else.

The key, though, is to genuinely give without expectation. Don’t anticipate that one day you might need something from another person—you might not. Plus, doing good is always good.

3. Consider Your Own Favors

Chances are you’ve helped someone out recently. Maybe you introduced two friends about a potential job opportunity or maybe even just held the elevator door open when someone looked like they were in a hurry. Think about how you felt during those moments. Burdened? Annoyed? Probably not. You might have even got a little endorphin rush from your small act of kindness—and that’s because helping someone else rarely feels like an inconvenience.

This should help you hopscotch past your hesitation. Just remember how you’ve felt when you’re on the other side.


It is absolutely reassuring to know someone—or many someone’s—are rooting for you and are eager to help, and that eventually, hopefully, you can pay them back in kindness, so try stepping out of your head and your fears, and ask for help today!

DISCLAIMER: These posts should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, physical or psychiatric condition. Information shared via posts does not replace professional healthcare advice specific to your condition and needs. If you are unsure whether you would benefit from implementing tools discussed in these posts, please contact your healthcare provider.