Neck pain is a common problem with many possible causes. Poor posture, hunching over a computer, arthritis, whiplash, and muscle strain from simple things like reading in bed or grinding your teeth can all trigger neck pain. Your neck is part of your spine, which runs from the base of your skull to the bottom of your back. Keeping your back safe and strong also protects your neck.

In rare cases, neck pain can be a sign of something serious. Seek immediate attention if your neck pain is accompanied by severe headache, shooting pain in your shoulder or arm, numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands, trouble speaking, swallowing or walking, blurred vision or loss of balance.

Prevention Tips

  • Warm up before and stretch out after physical activities such as sports, gardening or other household projects.
  • Stretch after an hour of television viewing or sitting at the computer.
  • Work on your posture both standing and seated to keep your spine properly aligned.
  • Make sure your work station is ergonomic with good low back support.
  • Drink water to keep the disks of your spine hydrated.

Some Things to Avoid

  • Cradling a phone on your shoulder
  • Falling asleep on the arm of the sofa
  • Thin pillows that provide no neck support

How to Manage Neck Pain

Please note that any advice in this article doesn’t replace personalized medical advice from a professional.

Taking a few preventative measures will help reduce your chances of neck pain and keep you discomfort free. Email us at for more information or set to up a consultation and assessment with one of our practitioners to help find relief from your neck pain.